In case you haven't seen our video on Youtube, JWStruggle channel about "Elders come for a visit". So something like this happens you talk to the CO and complain about SEVERAL mishandling of things, including the P.O/COBE spending cong. funds without approval and it's all dropped????? Yeah going thru the proper channels gets it all fixed.... [Heavy sarcasm]
Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
Hello everyone it has been a very very very long time !
by oldflame injust popped in i heard about lady lee leaving and wanted to say bye but i guess they closed that thread .
any old timers still around ?.
Newly Enlightened
Hi Oldflame welcome back. I'm fairly new here also.
A JW husband emailing his ex-girlfriend after his wife reveals her apostasy
by JimmyPage ina woman i've known for years recently confided in me.
she told me she found out her jw husband had been secretly e-mailing his jw ex-girlfriend.
he was telling his ex about how difficult it had been for him since his wife was now basically an apostate.
Newly Enlightened
Sorry your friend is going thru this. Doesn't even the WTBT$ consider this on-line dating? I will find that article and get back to you.
With the July 15 WT approaching, would this be the ideal opportunity to start an ACTIVELY VOCAL fade?
by Captain Blithering inby 'actively vocal', i do not mean openly criticising the articles and pointing out the inconsistencies or flipflops (not footwear, reversals).
i do mean letting people know that you're finding it hard to understand the new truth, and the fact that there is therefore old truth, or falsities, (is that a word?
it is now), therefore if there are falsehoods (that's the word, of course), then that puts into doubt the extent of jah's involvement in the preparation/dissemination of it all... (and making it clear you're not saying they aren't gods prophets on earth, just that you're not sure, don't know).. the reason i ask is cos i'm finding it hard to completely fade without an external reason.
Newly Enlightened
There was also an article we came across last week and have been looking for it for the past 2 hours, but can't find it. But it said that there were 'dissenters' [Ray Franz & the group kicked out in 1980] claiming that the only time they WERE the F&DS was when they met together to dispense the spiritual food.
We'll keep looking and if anyone knows which article we're talking about, we'd be happy to know.
With the July 15 WT approaching, would this be the ideal opportunity to start an ACTIVELY VOCAL fade?
by Captain Blithering inby 'actively vocal', i do not mean openly criticising the articles and pointing out the inconsistencies or flipflops (not footwear, reversals).
i do mean letting people know that you're finding it hard to understand the new truth, and the fact that there is therefore old truth, or falsities, (is that a word?
it is now), therefore if there are falsehoods (that's the word, of course), then that puts into doubt the extent of jah's involvement in the preparation/dissemination of it all... (and making it clear you're not saying they aren't gods prophets on earth, just that you're not sure, don't know).. the reason i ask is cos i'm finding it hard to completely fade without an external reason.
Newly Enlightened
One thing that might help. The 'New light' has totally thrown Russell to the curb. But yet in 1971, they were saying this: WT 71 12/15 pg760-761
How did this governing body make its appearance in recent times? Evidently under the direction of Jehovah God and his Son Jesus Christ. According to the facts available, the governing body became associated with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. C. T. Russell was patently of that governing body back there in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Being fully dedicated to God through Christ, he set himself to apply his time, energy, abilities, wealth and influence to defending God’s inspired Word and spreading its message. To that end he began publishing Zion’sWatchTower back there in July of 1879, believing, as he said in its columns, that this had Jehovah’s backing, and hence there would be no solicitation for money. He manifested the qualifications of an overseer as set out in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 and accordingly he was requested by the congregation of Christian Bible students at Allegheny to serve as its pastor or spiritual shepherd. Five years later Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was incorporated and served as an “agency” to minister spiritual food to thousands of sincere persons seeking to know God and to understand his Word and to come into relationship with him through Christ.
Dedicated, baptized, anointed Christians became associated with that Society at headquarters in Pennsylvania. Whether on the Board of Directors or not, they rendered themselves available for special work of the “faithful and discreet slave” class. They aided in the feeding and directing of the slave class, and thus a governing body made its appearance. This was evidently under the guidance of Jehovah’s invisible active force or holy spirit. Also, under the direction of the Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ the Son of God. True, the members of that governing body were not directly appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ.
NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!
by Newly Enlightened inbrother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
Newly Enlightened
Mr. Freeze: You've got that right. I can't believe we actually got upset and took them & their little meeting seriously.
Actually, I think it's more like an elder's training video of what NOT to do! LOL!
Newly Enlightened
Finished Mystery in the bookstudy? must have been before my time [1966].
Welcome CTRWTF & Amos77. Glad to have you all here with us.
NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!
by Newly Enlightened inbrother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
Newly Enlightened
Vidiot: Oh yeah! Or it would be perfect for Steven Spielberg.
Our video has reached 2700 views! Awesome! Thanks everyone for your support and kind word.
Does 'TRUTH' change? Came across this gem....
by Newly Enlightened inwhen i was looking for a quote for data-dog's topic.... wt 1966 10/1 pg 607-608. .
at times there are changes in viewpoint on biblical subjects discussed in the watch tower societys publications.
Newly Enlightened
Oubliette: If what you are asking is true about the apostates saying some of these things 30+ years ago. Back then the JW's believed that the 144,000 as a 'whole' or 'body' was the faithful & discreet slave and had a share in dispensing spiritual food.
United in Worship book pg 120:
These, too, would need spiritual food, and it would be served to them by the composite “slave,” Christ’s spirit-anointed servants. To please Jehovah, we need to accept the instruction he provides through this channel and act in full harmony with it.
Just another change they've flipped-flopped.
Does 'TRUTH' change? Came across this gem....
by Newly Enlightened inwhen i was looking for a quote for data-dog's topic.... wt 1966 10/1 pg 607-608. .
at times there are changes in viewpoint on biblical subjects discussed in the watch tower societys publications.
Newly Enlightened
I came across this gem while looking for something else....
WT 81 3/1 pg 29:
Some may ask: ‘If Jehovah’s Witnesses are getting “food at the proper time,” why have their views on certain teachings changed from time to time?’ The Bible answers: “The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.” (Prov. 4:18) Even as the congregation in the first century had only partial knowledge, so it is with the “faithful and discreet slave” today. Knowledge of many spiritual matters will become complete only as God’s purposes are worked out in completion. (1 Cor. 13:9-12) The “slave” is not divinely inspired but continues to search the Scriptures and carefully scrutinize world events, as well as the situation of God’s people, so as to understand the ongoing fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Because of human limitations, at times there may be an incomplete or incorrect understanding of some matter that may require correction later.